BRCP - British Register of Complementary Practitioners

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The British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP) provides support and services for complementary therapy practitioners and shares information to inform and educate the public about Complementary Medicine.

  • Find a local therapist or practitioner, safe in the knowledge that they are qualified, insured and meet our rigorous acceptance criteria.
  • Promote your practice on a public register and take advantage of a comprehensive range of benefits, discounts, resources and Continuing Professional Development.
  • Follow a clear progression path from Student to Senior Practitioner and beyond, with support every step of the way.
  • Earn our quality mark to promote your training courses or clinic and receive benefits and discounts for your students or therapists.
  • Membership benefits
    Join us as a practitioner, therapist, student, approved training provider or approved clinic to take advantage of a range of membership benefits.

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  • Access members area
  • Update your profile
  • Renew your membership
  • Important documents