Student Membership Application

To apply to become a student member of the BRCP, please complete and submit the form below.
If you have already started an application and created an account, you can complete this by CLICKING HERE.
If you prefer not to use an online form, please contact us
Balens Insurance Brokers have an offer on insurance policies for BRCP students who live in the UK, ROI and some other European countries. Balens have devised and arranged a bespoke insurance policy suitable for BRCP student members. The policy includes cover for Professional Liability & Malpractice and there are options to add insurance cover for Personal Accident and Business Equipment ‘All Risks’ insurance.

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The BRCP is administered by The Confederation of Healing Organisations (CHO), Registered Charity No. 1119533. The CHO/BRCP does not, without your express consent, provide your personal information to any third parties for direct marketing purposes. Your personal data is held securely as set out in our Privacy Policy, which can be found at or please contact us for a copy.

Save For Later

This will generate your BRCP Online Account and save your application.

You can resume your application at any time by logging in to your new BRCP Online Account.

Submit Application

This will generate your BRCP Online Account and save your finished application before taking you to the Payment Screen to complete your application.

If you don't complete the payment, you can still resume your application at any time by logging in to your new BRCP Online Account.