Training Course Application

If you prefer not to use an online form, please contact us
Please complete this form after referring to the
Guidance Notes
for each section.
Physical Classroom Environment Distant (paper or Online)
Practical Work
Theory Work
Assignment Work
Home Work
Case Study Hours
Supervised Practice
Course Hours in Total
Over what timespan, e.g. a weekend, 1 month, 2 years?
Please ensure that all listed documents are provided. The BRCP will keep this information on file in a confidential manner and only employees of the BRCP and our Advisors will access this for the purposes of registering the course. Other parties will not be given the right to use any part of these documents for any reason. The BRCP will only disclose information about this course if given permission by the owner(s) of it.

N.B.: UK Further Education Colleges and Universities applying for course registration for Level 4/5 and 6 courses (NVQ level 4, Foundation and First degrees) and above are required to provide documents marked with an asterisk * only).

• Copy of course prospectus (as supplied to students) *
• Detailed course syllabus and scheme of work over the course *
• Copy of Student Handbook/Manual
• Information on course content reflecting National Occupational Standards (NOS), where they exist for the discipline being taught and certainly covering NOS CNH1 and CNH2
• Description of training environments, resources and equipment
• Details of progression (if any milestones) through the course and final qualifications, as set out for students
• Please list course teachers/tutors/lecturers names and send their CVs
• Sample of the qualification certificate awarded at successful completion of the course
• List of requisites (if any) for course entry as stated to students, along with any Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) or Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) that the training provider recognises *
• Copies of insurance policies covering the training venue and equipment if appropriate, e.g. where the organisation owns the premises they may need building and contents cover
• Code of Conduct/Ethics/Practice (the BRCP Code may be used if the course application is accepted)
• List of professional bodies and organisations your course may be linked to (i.e. if validated by a university) *
Uploaded File(s) Options
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If your training course is accepted it will be registered with the details included on this form. Therefore, it’s important that you check that all details are correct. If you wish to use any other details for promotional purposes please indicate.
Please provide a description of your course that the BRCP can use for promotional purposes (max 200 characters), including requisites for course entry, length of course (days/months/years).
Location of teaching venues (town, postcode and country, or online if applicable) with dates of the course (Up to 3 locations for standard listing).
Town Postcode Country Start Date End Date
The BRCP is administered by The Confederation of Healing Organisations (CHO), Registered Charity No. 1119533. The CHO/BRCP does not, without your express consent, provide your personal information to any third parties for direct marketing purposes. Your personal data is held securely as set out in our Privacy Policy, which can be found at or please contact us for a copy.
Yes No
I consent to and understand that my records and details plus those of the organisation that I represent will be kept on an electronic database in accordance with the present UK Data Protection Act for the purposes of maintaining registration and the operation of the BRCP.
I consent to and understand that representatives of the BRCP may need to contact third parties about this application including insurance representatives and BRCP Advisors.
We regularly receive requests asking for contact details of providers of our Approved Courses. If we have your permission we can also list your Approved Courses and contact details on our online Register at 'Find a Practitioner' feature on this website.

Please indicate whether you wish your details to be included within the ‘Find a Training Course feature.

Save For Later

This will generate your BRCP Online Account and save your application.

You can resume your application at any time by logging in to your new BRCP Online Account and viewing the Membership Area.

Submit Application

This will generate your BRCP Online Account and save your finished application before taking you to the Payment Screen to complete your application.

If you don't complete the payment, you can still resume your application at any time by logging in to your new BRCP Online Account and viewing the Membership Area.