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Luca Occelli, Mr    < Back to list

Metaphysical Counselli

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Practising addresses:

37A Claribel Road, London , London, SW9 6TJ

Luca Occelli

About Luca Occelli, Mr

Luca Occelli is one of the pioneers in Metaphysical counselling and thought process development.

He delivers crucial positive impact into the life of his clients and audience. A prolific and charismatic Motivational Speaker, Luca has given numerous talks for a variety of audiences in the UK and Italy. He also offers private consultations to help individuals and businesses with any issues, from addictions to a dysfunctional business.

Luca is a Dr. in Psychology. He is a Member of MSEC (Metaphysical Society for the Expansion of Consciousness). He is one of the teachers at the School of Metaphysics.
Luca loves to help people and teach complex concepts of fundamental thinking. These include life science, happiness and human psychology, which he delivers in a unique and thought-provoking way. He can help you overturn limited perceptions that sabotage, and motivate you to achieve successful goals and outcomes.