BRCP Refer a Friend Scheme
One of the effects of the pandemic is that it has held up some of our plans for new initiatives and member benefits. We’re delighted now the restrictions are beginning to lift, that we’re in a position to move ahead with some of them. The first, and one that we hope our current registrants will take advantage of, is our new Refer a Friend scheme.
This scheme offers benefits all round. Members that refer a friend will receive £15 for each new successful referral they make and the person being referred will receive two extra month’s registration for their 12 month fee. It’s a win-win situation.
In fact it’s a win three ways, because by referring their friends and colleagues, our trusted registrants are helping us to grow, meaning that our long-standing, reputable Register will offer peace of mind to people looking for a complementary therapist, across more disciplines, with greater geographical coverage.
The initiative is open to fully qualified BRCP therapists and practitioners referring other qualified therapists and practitioners. Those with current student membership will be eligible to take part as soon as they qualify and upgrade their membership. For registrants without a UK bank account, £15 will be deducted from their next registration renewal fee.
Details of how to take advantage of the scheme will be sent to registrants this week, so do keep an eye on your Inboxes.